Οne of Vaoni's targets is to make haute gastronomy available to everyone through the delicious healthy Greek cuisine. Building on the quality of our products, we decided to take up a new challenge: to turn an argicultural product, consumed in Greece, into a gastronomic one. Therefore, we had to work hard in order to satisfy the senses of most demanding gastronomes. Thus, we present you a nutritional food, which is Trahanas.
Trahanas is a favorite Greek Pasta around the country. It comes in two versions- sweet (made with milk) and sour (made with greek yoghurt or sour traditional buttermilk) and is used to taste.
Low in fat with no sugar, it is a delicious and nutritional food. Making a true Greek Trahana at home takes more than 5 hours of labour and patience.
Thus, Vaoni offers a great opportunity in gastronomy and invites every gourmets to a unique and amazing experience.
Trahanas is dried in the sun in the summer in order to be ready in the winter for consumption. Have it on a cold winter night, after a long day or when you follow a healthful diet, you will be amazed by the Greek-classic food.
All you need to do now is to enjoy it without waiting!